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Panachaiko Mountain

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 PANACHAIKO (1.926 μ.)

Rivers Glaykos and Selinountas are the natural borders of the mountain dousing its foothills of each side of the mountain. The old name of Panachaiko is Voidias. It used to have rich flora destroyed afterwards by incontrollable woodcutting and browsing. This phenomenon has resulted in big corrosion, which led to major slides of the unstable ground. Fauna as well was severely destroyed by incontrollable hunting. Fortunately, there are some very beautiful places preserved with big forests, such as Rakita, Mikroni, Prasoudi, which testify the glorious past of the mountain and make its present quite attractive. Geologically, Panachaiko belongs to Olenos-Pindos zone and mainly consists of flysh. One of its major characteristics is the succession of two types of biotopes and two types of grounds. When it comes to birds, one can meet awls, screech awls...

As for wildlife, one can meet foxes and hedgehogs,badgers, hares, mice and rats.Panachaiko offers to friends of walking and mountaineering many chances of pleasur. It is a member of network "NATURA 2000" for the preservation os ecotopes and the flora and fauna.

Peaks of Panachaiko


  • Palavo: Known also as "Tower of Palavo", due to someone’s idea to build a house up there, the crown of Palavo is the highest crown of Panachaico, reaching 1.926 metres.
  • Vodias: There is a lot of water there. It’s the most famous crown of Panachaiko and the most easily accessible. During winter it s covered in snow. Its height is 1.836 m.
  • Vouno Giorghi: The third highest crown of Panachaiko in 1.804 metres close to the village Ano Kastritsi.
  • Barbas: Close to Leontio, Rakita district, reaching 1.613 metres. It is a breeding ground.
  • Krania: 1.304 metres high, east of Selinountas, visible from the regional road of Patra-Kalavryta. There are two by now forgotten settlements, Megalos and Mikros Pontias, and lots of oak trees.



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