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10th International Conference on Meteorology - Climatology & Atmospheric Physics

Date: May 25-28th 2010
Place: Conference & Cultural Center of University of Patras
Organiser: Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics of University of Patras  & Hellenic Meteorology Society
Website: http://www.comecap10.upatras.gr


The Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, University of Patras and the Greek Meteorological Society is pleased to invite you to the 10th International Conference on Meteorology - Climatology and Atmospheric Physics. The conference will be held at the Conference Center of the University of Patras, in the period 25-28 May 2010.



12th International Conference of Geological Society of Greece

Date: May 19th-22nd 2010
Place: Conference & Cultural Center of University of Patras
Organiser: Geological Society of Greece
Website: http://www.synedra.gr/Synedria/10-12Geology/10-12GeologyGR.htm

The purpose of the 12th Conference is to highlight and discuss issues in the areas of Geosciences: Geological Processes, Interaction and the Environment, Natural Resources, Energy and Water Resources, Education and Geosciences, Sustainable Development etc. Within the frames of these themes special lectures will be included, scientific papers and special sessions of the Committees of the Greek Geological Society. Emphasis will be placed on the role of geological processes on sustainable development in Greece and the wider Eastern Mediterranean.